Happy images for difficult times

icecream cone flowers floral art inspiration periwinkle flowers toronto

As of course you know, the entire world is currently in crisis dealing with the covid-19 virus. Here in Toronto, Canada, we are under a state of emergency as our healthcare system struggles to manage the load and our government tries to flatten the curve.

Our little flower shop is closed for now, but we anticipate being able to deliver flowers again next week in a limited capacity while keeping the shop itself closed of course.

In the meantime we are working through all the emotions and feelings and trying to find moments of joy in what is a very scary and sad time.  One of the ways is looking at happy images of the beautiful blooms we've had the pleasure of working with, and the other is keeping our hands busy making art so we thought we'd share a challenge with you.

We'll be sharing some of our favourite images and encouraging our lovely flower tribe to use them as inspiration for creating an art practice, whether daily or less ( no rules!) Whether you draw, paint, collage, interpretive dance (!) let's spend some time taking care of ourselves, letting go of some of the anxiety for a few moments and just looking at a happy image and playing with some art supplies.

Join us on Instagram and share your creations with us! you can find us @periwinkleflowers and share your art and inspiration via the hashtag #periwinklejoy Don't forget to tag us too, we want to see all the happy things we can!


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